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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Stuff by Tiki King- New Tiki Mugs for Oasis 13, page 4

Post #468900 by Tiki King on Tue, Jul 14, 2009 8:41 AM

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So in my other life, I tour around the country with a Celtic band, The Wicked Tinkers,
(https://tikicentral.com/uploads/245/4a5c95a6.jpgin on drums occasionally. Everyone knows me as Tiki King, and oddly enough I actually sell a fair number of Tiki's at these Scottish events. Part of the Kilt outfit is a small knife you wear in your sock called a "Sgian Dubh" (pronounced "skeen-doo") which is Gaelic for "Black Knife".
Here is a typical Sgian Dubh.

I decided I needed something a bit more "me", so here is my new Tiki Sgian Dubh.


And then here I am with no pants on...
you can just barely see the Sgian Dubh in my left sock.


[ Edited by: Tiki King 2009-07-14 09:17 ]