Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Challenge for the Les Baxter 101 Strings Experts
Post #472023 by Jeff Central on Mon, Jul 27, 2009 4:32 AM
Jeff Central
Mon, Jul 27, 2009 4:32 AM
Aloha Drew, The Les Baxter/101 Strings albums represent some very interesting material. I have four albums that Les Baxter contributed in someway, either composing, conducting and/or arranging. This doesn't include the compilations. Below is the abum in question. It is one of the most difficult to find (besides Astro Sounds which is incredibly rare). "Whiplash" is credited to Jefe/Huckridge, other tracks are credited to Monty Kelly (who also recorded the Tropicana LP with the 101 Strings) and three tracks are credited to Les Baxter. These songs are "On a Warm Night","Besame Mas (Kiss Me More)", and "Felicia My Love." They are all pretty similiar in sound quality and style. The orgasmic sounds of Bebe Barron were overdubbed on a few tracks and is hilarious. Besides "Que Mango" another Baxter/101 Strings album is the often overlooked Million Seller Hits. This album contains tracks that rival even "Que Mango" IMHO. Though more contemorary in sound it does have that touch of exotic brilliance we have come to expect from Les Baxter. Cheers and Mahalo, |