Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Tiki Art Swap 2009 #1 - PNG Theme. Done and dusted!
Post #472557 by TravelingJones on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 6:52 PM
Tue, Jul 28, 2009 6:52 PM
Howzit peapo! :D I'm on a creative high after the last Tiki Art Swap and the regional theme 'PNG' sucked me in with a passion! Absolutely limitless in concept and no restraint of direction... MINDBLOWING!... and the variety of interpretive submissions proved that...abstract, traditional, modern,or whatever artistic approach... every entry was a powerful image and soulful mirror of each person that hit the deadline. That said, I searched back to see how the Tiki Art Swap began and I'm looking forward to the next one. In my research I found "Tiki art swap #4 - Vintage poly pop menu cover inspired art". http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=27949&forum=7&hilite=art_swap This art swap theme appeared to have mass interest from a lot of folks...a limitless concept and plethora of resources...a vast sea without a horizon to sail! Somehow it became vapor and like the mid century tiki palaces we all worship...ceased to exist. I propose a revival of this long lost art swap theme and pay homage to the imagery that is the foundation of our tiki community. Are you inspired to take this challenge??? :tiki: Vintage Menu Poly Pop! :tiki: :tiki: UNITE TIKI PEAPO'z: Vintage Menu Poly Pop Art! :tiki: |