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Post #487821 by Bay Park Buzzy on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 3:57 PM
Bay Park Buzzy
Mon, Oct 12, 2009 3:57 PM
CocoJoes puna rift lava plaques Tiki plaques: Dancer plaques Different colors comparision: Coco Joes lava tikis: Lava Tikis 9"-14" tall Lava Bookends and Ku Lava tikis 6" tall small lava tikis Alii gold lava bottle openers lava lighters Frames Letter holder and lava lamp(it originally came with a candle) Lava tiki letter openers Letter opener,mini knifespoon set,and bolo tie Lava tiki Penholders Coco Joes lava pendants tagged Coco Joes lava pendants Petroglyphs ashtrays Tiki pipeholder ashtrays Tiki ashtrays Ashtray lighter set Ashtray & letter opener Bookmarker Still in package stuff Coco Joe's hapa wood tikis Tikis 12-14" Tikis 8-12" hapawood tiki bookends hapawood tikis 6" hapawood tikis 6" hapawood tikis 6-8" Hapawood kanaloas 9" Hapawood tikis 8-9" Hapawood tikis 9" Hapawood tikis 4" bottle openers lighters Hapawood tiki ashtrays and pipe holder hapa wood Tiki penholders hapawood letter and bottle openers hapawood tiki pendants +united airlines Hapawood tiki pendants Hawaiian zodiac pendants Coco Joe's hapawood non tikis 12-18" hapawood 9-12" hapawood 9" hapawood Small hapawood non tiki pieces Hula pen holders Egg timer and letter holder Hapawood non tiki pendants Coco joe bolo tie Hapawood various Orlas and letter holder Hapawood bowls Hapawood ashtray and bowls Old wholesale pricelists Catalogs Postcard,pamphlet,wooden nickel Coco Joe's Lava non Tiki Surf themed Large King Ks Lakis and storyteller Warrior, napkin holder, bottle opener Coco joes lava non tiki pendants Ashtrays and penholders CocoJoe himself: HIP Tikis larger than 9" lava HIP medium sized hapawood tikis Medium sized lava tikis Small HIP tikis HIP tiki lighters Little Grassshack bookends and letter holder God of Love ashtrays Tiki Outrigger Pen holder & letter opener HIP Olivine and sandstone HIP small olivine Olivine ashtray,letter opener, and paperweight HIP pendants tagged HIP pendants HIP Jumbos Lava HIP jumbos mixed HIP dancers Penholders and King K Fertility godesses and Lei seller HIP non rascal humorous HIP rascals CoralRascal variationon the right Memorial stand up and bookends HIP hula ashtrays Polyart tikis Polyart hapawoods Polyart/Schirman's Polyart nonTikis Polyart Hulas: Frank Schirman tikis: Schirman non tikis Schirman wallplaque Polystone Exotic Creations Plaster unmarked, pied piper, Randotti Hula Lei,unmarked,unmarked Unmarked and Holo Ka Hana Lava Ray Guam and saipan Chiefly Holo Ka Hana and South Seas Sales Pictures of Paradise,BIP,and Hilo tiki Polyart? and HIP? cant remembers Tahitian resin Hawaiian Distillers lava and Hapawood Maori resins [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-11-02 17:50 ] [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-11-03 00:17 ] [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2009-11-03 00:33 ] [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-23 13:47 ] [ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2010-02-27 19:25 ] |