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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Tikimeculas Stuff

Post #487997 by tikimecula on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 2:00 PM

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Hello from Kansas. Got a few PM's so I thought I would reply here. The Move went well, Took us awhile to find a house being a small town and all. We finally got one and have been doing some remodeling for the last few weeks, Just about got the wife happy so I can start on my carving space.

Moved the box's with all my chisels in it the other day and started getting the bug to get some projects started and finish some that are started.

So for those who asked, stay tuned and I'll be up and running here shortly.

Now that I don't live in Temecula anymore, do I keep Tikimecula or start fresh???