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Post #489967 by Tipsy McStagger on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 6:12 AM

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On 2009-10-23 11:03, TIKI DAVID wrote:
People ,People please !
ALWAYS, before you post, ASK yourself'

:) -probably the smartest thing you've ever said here on t.c. david.....don't you ever forget it.

and don't forget, i mentioned that i already owned one of those cement tikis, so i wasn't stating the tiki itself was crap, but that that particular painted version on craigslist WAS crap and over priced for what it was, in my flawless opinion, anyway........no sense in tiki folk wasting their money on this same tiki if i can point them in the direction to where they can actually save money and own the same tiki but not so garishly painted...on the other hand, some folks like that clown tiki look so to each his own....I was only trying to help..but once again, no good deed goes unpunished as evidenced by the response to my original post here....