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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / 2010 January Mug Swap **Get Your Swap On People!!**

Post #502918 by crushenstein on Thu, Jan 7, 2010 8:24 PM

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I got home today, took out the trash and found this in the dumpster:

i thought the unthinkable, "did someone steal my tiki package???!!!?"
i dug through the box and to my dismay, yes someone did! i found these in bottom of the box:

i brought the box up to mrs. crushenstein and told her what happened. we went through every scenario we could think of and settled on that our sketchy neighbor or one of his sketchy friends must have found the box on our door step and thought they'd find something of value (to me!). well, mrs. crushenstein went over to the sketchy apartment because i was too fired up. a few minutes went by before she returned. she told me, "he says he might know who did it and he'll let us know." while figuring out who we should call about this whole thing, there was a knock at our door. it was our cutty ass neighbor holding 4 mugs. he said he found them in his closet. we still have no clue who sent them!

needless to say we are still in the process of dealing with the postal service.

however, we could not be more thrilled about getting our full (to the best of our knowledge) package back! we love the menehune swizzles, tiki oasis sticker, drader dick's mugs, harvey's bucket, and acountrements shot glass! thank you to whoever sent this wonderful package to us! please PM me if you were the one who got us! i guess next trade i'll ask that my package get sent to my work address!
