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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Homemade Coffee Liqueur: Advice Needed

Post #511783 by Brice on Thu, Feb 18, 2010 10:22 AM

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I pulled this recipe off of Beachbums blog site. I find it a good base point, I have altered mine but it isn't for everyone so I'd start here and play with the levels to you get what it is you like. I agree you can buy a bottle of coffee liqueur, but there is something about having your personal blend that brings a sense of pride when you serve it and they ask who's is this and you smile...give'em a wink and say "mine"!

Chris’s coffee syrup: “Take 1 cup of medium-roast coffee beans, crack all the beans, then add 2 cups of brandy. The brandy sits with the coffee beans for three to four days in a jar. Then I strain the brandy.” Chris then makes a brown sugar syrup with 1 1/2 cups each water and brown sugar, and combines the syrup with the coffee-infused brandy.