Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Oasis 10 official thread
Post #525768 by tikiwinebear on 04/23/2010
Just a reminder to those who have already booked rooms and gotten tickets... If you plan on having dinner at the Bali Hai restaurant on Thursday (Aug 19) before the official Tiki Oasis Event (which starts around 7pm), be sure to make dinner reservations directly with the Bali Hai. Their phone number is 619.222.1181. From our past TO experience, when you get the Bali Hai full of us Tiki Oasis goers, the kitchen and (especially) the bar gets bogged down, and dinner can easily take 1.5 hours for a party of 4. So be sure to give yourself enough time to drink, eat, and drink some more, before you join the Event downstairs. We have our table booked for 5:15pm, party of 8!! YeeHaw! |