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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Any leads on decent liquor (rum) cabinets? Slightly off topic...

Post #5338 by TheMuggler on Wed, Aug 7, 2002 9:04 PM

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Between the Grog Log and Intoxica, I've managed to amass an impressive number of bottles. My wife is now complaining that our house looks like a bar, so I'm looking for a decent liquor cabinet. I don't have room for a cool tiki bar, unfortunately, but I would like to find something that can hold a good amount of bottles and maybe even fold out to create a space for mixing. Ideally, the bottles would be hidden from view until the cabinet is opened.

Everything I've seen looks like it belongs in a turn of the century billiards room, or worse, like an old west saloon. Anyone have any leads for a decent cabinet?
