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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Dark Exotica / Lounge finds?

Post #536233 by carlosrossi on Mon, Jun 14, 2010 2:44 PM

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I'm currently compiling a compilation for my blog 'Dark & Tiki', which a twist on the whole subculture/sub genre in which I am looking at the dark side of the Tiki.

I have a few bands going such as;

Bohren & der Club of Gore: a Dark Jazz/Lounge ensemble from Germany
The Kilimanjaro Dark Jazz Ensemble: a sort of Exotica/Lounge/Jazz group from Europe
Heroin and Your Veins: a total lounge act ala Twin Peaks/Bohren style
Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones: a dark jazz/lounge/twin peaks styled group from France

There is ALOT more out there, and I'm open to NEW & OLD records!

Thanks for looking and I appreciate the help!!!

[ Edited by: carlosrossi 2010-06-14 14:51 ]