Tiki Central / Other Events / Vince Martini's Hukilau Photo Journal
Post #536612 by Vince Martini on Wed, Jun 16, 2010 12:39 AM
Vince Martini
Wed, Jun 16, 2010 12:39 AM
First and foremost, WHAT A GAS!!! Hukilau was off the hook (as the kids say in Bora Bora...so I'm told). Tiki Kiliki, you and your crackpot crew did a fantastic job and now I am possessed! For me, Hukilau was PARADISE FOUND!!! I know I was in a rum fog most of the time, and I know I promised a things to a lot of people. I do remember this, I snapped lot of pics and promised to post them when I returned to my lair in Iki Pohaku. Well, I have watched each and every episode of Judge Judy that I Tivo'd so now it is time for photos! To my friend who were out of focus...I am so sorry I was not sober enough to focus a little better. Many pics were unfortunately lost due to self inflicted incompetence. Other pics are semi fuzzy...as you will see. Then again, some of them perfectly capture the color and beauty of many of my new Hukilau friends. Pardon the occasional self indulgence to get my pic alongside you beautiful folk! Many, many mahalos to the warm spirits that were Hukilau 2010!!! Entering Hukilau POLY BLEND -- Harry Golen Gallery of Miami Harry himself! *Derek Chillin' with Mighty Manfred of the Woggles...for the moment! A tiki shopper's delight! Shag Landing Getting Rum Fever! Jeff Beachbum Berry My traveling companion for later that evening |