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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / New guy looking for some assistance.

Post #542195 by pjc5150 on Tue, Jul 13, 2010 9:39 AM

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My process is pretty simple.

Strip the bark, draw out the design, cut it, torch it, sand it.

And spend a few bucks on a couple of good quality chisels. Cheap Chinese crap isn't worth messing with (been there - done that).

Best thing to do: get a few simple tools, find some ideas here to try out, get some wood to work with, and have at it.

In my opinion the draw out is one of the most important steps, as it is essentially your template, so take your time and do that part right & everything else should fall into place.

Trial and error...don't be afraid to make some mistakes, then just grind 'em off and start over!

Best of luck.