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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Palm Tree for free - Westminster, CA

Post #543623 by SoccerTiki on Tue, Jul 20, 2010 5:09 PM

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On 2010-07-19 17:04, Cap'n Pharaoh wrote:
ALoHA an Mahalo Palika,

Mahalo For posting your tree on Tiki Central. I hope people continue to post, despite negative responses!

If I were anywhere near westminster I'd take you up on the tree offer. Yeah it's a lot of work, but hey it would be an experience, and I may even meet some genuine people in the process.

Like anywhere on this planet you'll often run in to petty Nay-sayyers. Who want to put a price tag on every last thing on this planet.

If one takes the time to dry the palm out slowly they can make some fairly decent tikis,

yeah it's stringy, and it will get caught up in your your power tools, but if you use a sharp chisel, it cuts like butter. No mallet neccesary.

Not saying this is the best example, but it was a similar tree cut out of my sisters yard. It is great to work with and practice with. I would do it again, perhaps with better results next time.


That tiki looks great! How many of those could you carve from a tree that big?