Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / The Rhesus Monkeys!
Post #548816 by tiki mick on Mon, Aug 16, 2010 2:10 PM
tiki mick
Mon, Aug 16, 2010 2:10 PM
We have bigger plans then that, my friend! Our team of agents are working on getting us a gig on the Andy Bumatai show, prime time baby! They wanted the best Exotica band in the world, and who better then the Rhesus Monkeys? We got Fezzes! We got mugs! We got artwork! We are ready to rock and roll! Meanwhile, we have pre-sold 340 CDs as of last Sunday. The website crashed a couple times this weekend, due to too much traffic! I tell you, this is the biggest thing since Elliot Easton decided to suddenly become "tiki"! (hey, were' playin' frickin STAR TREK! Can ya believe that?) But I figure what with a million other bands becoming "exotica" and enjoying so much publicity, exposure and help from so many dedicated fans...the Rhesus Monkey's just HAD to get us some too! I kind of wish that our newfound, "insta-success" had happened for the Smoking Menehunes, (you remember them, right? They were that Hawaiian band playing highly authentic vintage hapa haole to mostly empty rooms for the last 7 years) but since the Rhesus Monkeys is already 5 million times more popular then the Menehunes ever were, I guess I can't be too bummed, right? Why be bitter after slogging away for 7 years, playing our hearts out, only to have the Rhesus Monkey's blow my old bands out of the water seemingly overnight! Why, it's just like American Idol! No longer does a band have to pay it's dues! Everything is based on exposure and popularity now! Thank God! How else could I put together an album that is basically just animal noises, vibraphone and casio keyboards and make as much money as I am making right now? Go Rhesus Monkeys! |