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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Headline News santitized for Tiki enthusiasts

Post #552087 by hodadhank on Sat, Sep 4, 2010 1:05 AM

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It will go down as one of the most painful openings to a political debate in recent memory.

Gov. TIKI stumbled and stammered through her opening statement during a televised debate Wednesday night, suffering through an embarrassing, cringe-eliciting pause that lasted more than 10 seconds.

With her hands clasped in front of her, TIKI looked at the camera, then down, possibly at notes, and back up at the camera. TIKI smiled, let out a loud exhale, then resumed her statement with a pronouncement of her record as governor.

"We have... uh... did what was right for Arizona," TIKI said, using a grammatical misconstruction TIKI uttered twice during the debate.

Then, TIKI bolted from a post-debate question-and-answer session with reporters after refusing to respond to queries about her disproven claims of bodies supposedly found beheaded in the Arizona desert.