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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Need your help for Tiki Presentation

Post #555567 by Leaky_tiki on Wed, Sep 22, 2010 10:09 PM

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Hi Everyone! It's Boyd from Phoenix. I don't remember my old login info so I created a new one.

I've been selected to give a presentation on the History of Tiki and Polynesian Pop Culture for Ignite Phoenix (ignitephoenix.com)[Edit to correct link] in mid October. Basically, I have five minutes to present 20 slides and convey as much info as I can. I've outlined my presentation and will be contacting some of you via email and Facebook to request photos and short bios. I only have a few weeks to pull this all together, so if you do hear from me, please remember time is of the essence and I will be forever grateful for your help. My presentation will be recorded and the video will also be available via YouTube at some point after the presentation. I'll be sure to let you all know once it has been posted.

I do need some help acquiring a few photos that I can use in my presentation. I've listed what I'm looking for below, if you have something you can email me that would be fantastic! If you don't have my email, I'll be happy to PM it to you. Also, please be sure to provide any copyright info that might be needed if known so that I can give proper credit where due. Thanks in advance for your help and wish me luck!

Photos I need:
-An early photo of Vic Bergeron
-A photo of the original Hinky Dinks and/or Trader Vic's
-An early photo of Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt (Donn Beach)
-A photo of the Don the Beachcombers in either San Francisco or Hawaii.
-A photo of The Islands restaurant in Phoenix (now defunct)
-A photo of the original Trader Vic's Restaurant in Scottsdale (now defunct)
-A magazine quality photo of an authentic Mai Tai
-Photos of MCM furniture, art, and mug collections (Witco, Eames, etc)

That should do it, unless I think of something else, in which case I'll edit here. Thanks again for your help!

[ Edited by: Leaky_tiki 2010-09-28 10:54 ]