Joined: May 06, 2007
Posts: 619
On 2010-10-14 19:30, Tom Slick wrote:
ATP, I also think you should understand(In case you already haven't noticed), that within the last couple years T.C. in its own way has been devolving into a generic tiki fansite, leaving a 'party city' type aftertaste in many T.C. Veterans mouths...
Maybe it is because we are nearing the end of discovery of "Mid Century Tiki", and most questions or items have already been unearthed, or the questioned background has been resolved...I don't know what it is.
Generally speaking of what I do know, is that arguing on the internet is like a special needs person winning 'gold' at the Special Olympics...In the very end, are they really a winner?(I'm just saying, and not directing this to anyone specific)
I think we can all agree that Opinions are better to have, than outright arguments.
Tom Slick:
Two things:
The first paragraph quoted above needs to be its own thread in General Tiki. It' s insightful and needs to be addressed. Where do we evolve from here?
The second paragraph is just plain ignorant. Who wins? We all do. Period. Yes, they are a winner and so are we.
[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-10-14 19:35 ]