Tiki Central / California Events / The Hula Girls, tonight at Don the Beachcomber's!! 10/18/10 @ 7:00
Post #560755 by tiki mick on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 12:59 PM
tiki mick
Wed, Oct 20, 2010 12:59 PM
I received several PMs from people wanting to know WTF? I guess the fact that I was TOTALLY JOKING was not that evident! So, let me set the record straight…I LOVE the Hula Girls band….the music, the guys, everything..in fact, I play the “curse of the tiki” record at least once a week, always hearing little things in it that I had not previously noticed… The ONLY reason I quit (which happened before Tiki Oasis) was that I just was finding it harder and harder to get down for weekly rehearsals, and also being that I am a family guy that pretty much goes to bed as early as possible I start very early at my day job), late gigs are hard for me to do on a recurring basis….anyway, we already knew that there was a replacement bassist, Mr. Kessler, who could not only do the job but possibly do it better then me…so I gracefully exited with the full blessing of the guys, and totally under great circumstances! So, I just did not want to hold my bros back with my scheduling and availability problems…that’s not fair to them, you know? As for my other projects, The jazz band I am in basically sight reads everything, so we don’t practice much. The Smoking Menehunes NEVER practices and only plays sporadically. The Orchestra I am involved in does require a lot of my time, but we rehearse not too far from where I live, and I am getting college credits so this is part of my educational requirements anyway. I hope that explains why I would quit an excellent rockabilly/tiki band right when they are doing really well! My association with the Hula Girls will never end, and as Spike noted, I will be subbing for Mr. Kessler for any gig that he can’t do (like me, he is in a whole bunch of bands…the guy is very well known in the rockabilly community!) The Hula Girls is one of the finest, most professional and hardest working rock bands I have ever known or played with. I wish bands I had played with when I was younger had been like this….(usually everything is great but there is always one weak link in the bands that caused them to fail….despite the money and time being put in). Not so with the Hula Girls. Every member is super talented and super focused! It’s a unique sound, with guys that come from a wide variety of musical backgrounds…punk, rockabilly, surf, jazz, Hawaiian, Tiki…it’s all there in the Hula Girls band! See ya on the 29th! |