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Tiki Central / California Events / TC night, Mondays at Don the Beachcomber in Sunset Beach Ca.

Post #564917 by congawa on Sat, Nov 13, 2010 4:11 PM

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I'm going to Big Toe's tonight (and we'll see about Thee Swank Bastards after, but I was out late last night and so we'll see). I'm also hoping to be at Don TB Monday, though.

John-O--it was great to accidentally run into you at HMS Bounty last night. I had been there since 7pm dining with some non-tiki friends from Arizona (it was their idea to eat there) and was trying to get out to Reseda to see the Lucky Stars western swing band (they were great as usual), otherwise I would have stayed and hung out with you. I was drinking their excellent Manhattans, and my friend Joan had their Sidecar which was also great (sorry for discussing non-rum drinks at a nautical bar in a Dons thread--I'll cease here).

Caltiki Brent