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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / what is the sneakiest tiki drink you regularly enjoy?

Post #586998 by Mr. NoNaMe on Thu, Apr 28, 2011 9:12 PM

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On 2011-04-28 19:42, thePorpoise wrote:
so what the heck is in a viking fogcutter (as opposed to a regular fogcutter)?

One of my favorites!!
The easy way and more potent is delete the sherry from the fog cutter and float a 1/2oz of akavit/aquavit on top of the Fog cutter.

Viking Fog Cutter
2oz lemon juice
1oz OJ
1/2 orgeat
1oz white Puerto Rican rum

1/2oz brandy
1/2oz gin
Shake with ice, pour into tall glass and float a 1/2oz akavit/akvavit/ aquavit on top.
From Intoxica!