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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Ren Clark Severed Head...ebay...Get your checkbook

Post #58793 by fatuhiva on Thu, Nov 6, 2003 3:40 PM

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let me just say this.. a few months back i won an item, was a little slow getting the check out. the seller was emailing me constantly about sending payment.. awright awright already, i send it out.

the tramp cashes it, and never sends the frikkin item. That was like 2 months ago. I email her 1000000 times, suddenly shes nowhere to be found. had to neg feedback her and report her to ebay.

today i got an email from some other dude she did the same thing to.

what would be stopping this guy from posting that pic, getting it up to $600, grabbing the cash and dashing?

i'd want to see visual PROOF he really HAS that mug

[ Edited by: fatuhiva on 2003-11-06 15:41 ]