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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Roof Help

Post #602688 by rterry on Tue, Aug 16, 2011 9:31 AM

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I am working on my roof for the bar now and trying to find the best way to do it... I have 2 by 8 headers more or less running across 4 by 4 posts which the rafters will sit on (1 1/2 thick) I have a 1 foot overhang and birdsmouth cut on the rafters...

What would be the best way to attach these to the top plate/header... I understand this is not a common top plate or double plate... should I just nail the birdsmouth into the header/top plate with 2 16d nails? will this be okay? or should I attach them with h1 hurricane ties? Hurricane ties ask that you connect the tie to the top plate with 2 1/2 inch 8d nails but my material is only 1 1/2.. can I just apply them with 1 1/2 8d nails? also, when using hurricane ties, do you still nail separately through the birdsmouth or just use the tie assembly only?

Thanks for any help, just want to do this the best way... also the structure (roof) area is only about 45 sq feet...

Thanks again!