Tiki Central / California Events / Official Tiki Oasis 11 thread
Post #603567 by babydoe on Tue, Aug 23, 2011 9:41 AM
Tue, Aug 23, 2011 9:41 AM
Is it over already?! I still have not cut off my wristband. There is so much to do at Tiki Oasis that I missed so much of it! I was telling someone if I had a super power it would either be to slow down time or duplicate myself so I could be in two places at once. What I did see of the symposiums, room parties, car show, entertainment, vendors, etc was amazing and I am always impressed with how everyone goes above and beyond when it comes to Tiki Oasis. I could write a whole book of thank you and highlights from the weekend! I do want to give big smooches and hugs to all the artists who contributed to the Burros, Black, Velvets and Other Delights art show. Thank you Gene from Falling Coco's for connecting me with WildCoast and hosting all the banks at your home for the last month, Mark Balanky (photosandiego.com) for taking photos of all the banks and for Matt Reese for getting the banks and connecting with the artists as my co-curator. We have not counted the total yet raised for WiLDCOAST but I will post that here when we do! Someone here asked why didn't Marina perform in the pool... she did! There is so much happening sorry you missed it! Also I wanted to comment on the whole 'burlesque' thing. We love burlesque as it embodies the energy and spirit of a particular time period that Otto and I love plus it is a great excuse to get gorgeous gals on stage. This year moved all the main burlesque acts to one 'show' time after 8:30pm so if folks decided this is not there 'thang' they could go get a drink or cover their kids eyes or go for a dip in the pool. I believe the emcee made announcements letting people know the burlesque was happening. The night time entertainment is geared for adults and we do our best to let people know this but it sounds like we should emphasis this more and more often. Tiki Oasis is about variety of entertainment and I can not imagine that this will ever change. I wanted everyone on TC to know my friend Vixen is fine after a bunch of stitches due to a flying tiki mug. If you know the couple that helped her pls send me their names/contact. It is such a bummer that this accident happened but thanks to so many people who jumped in to help Vixen and deal with all the chaos surrounding that moment. I look forward to seeing everyone's photos and hearing about what were highlights for YOU over the weekend!! Thanks again all!! PS Thanks JUANITA! for painting my skirt!! |