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Tiki Central / California Events / Official Tiki Oasis 11 thread

Post #608698 by Billy the Crud on Sat, Oct 1, 2011 9:22 PM

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On 2011-08-23 12:14, Big Vic wrote:
Not to get carried away with this rooster thing. But I brought a rooster to the event as well. Here is the way to show off your cock! No animals got hurt in the making of this tattoo!

My rooster goes everywhere with me and if you have a problem with that, then take it up with the ASPCA. Pico is a VERY happy and spoiled rooster (Sleeps in my shower) and was NEVER hurt or scared the whole time he was with me-in fact SLEPT in my arms the whole time. I do see your concerns, though, and Pico appreciates it as well. Loving animals is good, and being from Petaluma, how could you NOT know about chickens. PPP, baby. I used to fix their doors when I lived in Santa Rosa, neighbor.

And you think me being excluded is good on these terms? Not cool, baby. Being excluded next year because I didn't get the hotels permission AND Pico decided to sound off all morning.....Now THAT I can agree with. Ill be at the Bali Hai next year, so you can come tell me how disappointed you were in person. And stop calling me "Rooster Guy". I am Billy the Crud. Tiki Carver, intellectual, and guy who can be your best friend if n you don't take a large crap on me. Mahalo.

On another note, I REALLY appreciate everyone that stuck up for me and Emailed Otto on my behalf, but the plain and simple fact is that I made a boo boo and it needs to be shown that there are consequences for gumming up the works of a large event and depriving folks of their much needed rest with noisey farm animals. Otto and I both agreed that a one year exclusion was more than fair and that's whats been done. Be happy about it, but don't be celebratin', ya bastards. I'm only outta your hair for a year!

Ive been silent on this so long because it needed to die, but Pico and I are truly sorry we woke you up when you were all hung over.