Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki Tragedy - RIP Shecky #88
Post #66132 by stentiki on Tue, Dec 23, 2003 11:12 AM
Tue, Dec 23, 2003 11:12 AM
Aloha Friends, It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Shecky #88. Shecky was lost as a result of vibrations from yesterday's California earthquake. Number 88 was prominently displayed in a special curio cabinet on the middle shelf where I keep my favorite mugs, and he was the first one to be ejected from the cabinet. Also, lost was my gold OMC mini moai outrigger mug (I shall call him "Mini Moai"). Amazingly, we only sufferered 2 major casualties while a few of our mugs ended up with minor chips. The glass in the curio cabinet can be replaced but alas, poor #88 is a now a lost cause. Any suggestions on what to do with the remains of #88 and Mini Moai would be greatly appreciated. Mahalo. The Collapse (I took these pix while trying to figure out how to save the mugs). Shecky #88 "Mini Moai" |