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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / First carving attempts of a newbie

Post #661831 by anchorfish on Tue, Dec 18, 2012 12:45 AM

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Sorry T.C. for not keeping up.. life hit the fan. However!, I picked up the chisels and decided to get back into it with this really odd palm log. It was really stringy and fairly fresh as it was still wet.. I'll be walking on by it if I see that log type again. I think its a queen or a royal... but I have no real clue as I wouldn't know one from the other yet. Anyhow, this quick carve helped me clear my head :)

This next one is the fifth piece I've carved now. I decided to carve one for our annual family Christmas party gift exchange this year. Turned out to be a huge hit! I had a great time carving while the party was going on... and never did I have to get my own beer :D (I may start carving at parties more often)

I realize it's not traditional tiki style but I wanted to do something a little more edgy for the party. And carving this guy at the party with everybody watching and pointing and offering design suggestion and all the while bring me beautiful brown ales to keep me happily carving away really forced me to push myself further. Great fun!

This is my niece, she beat out 3 others in the gift exchange to win it.

The ride back to the Carving Cabana for final cuts and finish then my wife and I will be taking it back up to my niece's place in a few weeks.

I'll post the final pics when this guy is completed in a few weeks.. I just wanted to post this update because it had been way too long since my last one... and again as always thanks ahead for the tips and comments.

Nice to be back. Cheers!