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Post #6627 by GECKO on Fri, Aug 23, 2002 3:20 PM

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GECKO posted on Fri, Aug 23, 2002 3:20 PM

Aloha All,

Bong you know what to say at the right time bro! What is it that you need? a free Tiki, Bamboo, a new Aloha shirt? malasadas? ewww that sounds good right now. Those words were ALOHA! I think Chiki Tiki would agree! Wazzup Chiki! I can't thank you for the kind words because thanks is'nt cool enough for someone like yourself! Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo!
"Salamat" As we say in my mothers native tounge of Tagalog .
I would also like to thank everyone here on Tiki Central that has purchased my Tiki's, for this is what I love to do! It makes me happy to see my customers HAPPY! I FREAKIN LOVE IT!
To get something off my chest, if I had ever offended anyone here on Tiki Central I'm sorry but sometimes I speak my mind. I have to watch that as well as some members. I say that because sometimes people want to get real contraversial(spell?) here on Tiki Central and I Think we are all here to JUST HAVE FUN. live the way of ALOHA...right? So sorry. have fun and enjoy the CULTURE! I'm not here for debate. just to talk story about TIKIS.

Other than that, like Bong said, yes I'm a very laid back local boy that likes to party with the best of ya.
I have been busy carving some styrafoam(spell?) Tikis for someone but I'll try to get some things on ebay this weekend. If you are a Tiki Centralite I'll take 10% off the final bid. BIG MAHALOZ TO ALL and especially to you BONG!
p.s Bong tell your daugter to stay away from Tangaroa, He's a playboy dude!
I can't beleive she does that! that is so funny!!hehe