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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki / Inexspensive mask decor

Post #67275 by Unkle John on Thu, Jan 1, 2004 4:51 PM

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My wife and I went to West Texas for the holiday season to see her family. We went into Lubbock to hit up a couple of hobby shops to help fuel my model train passion, as well as my father-in-law's.
We stepped into Hobby Lobby to check out trains and xmas lights and made our way to the back. I slipped down the "exotic" isle to get around the post holiday shoppers and to check to see if they had any hidden Moai heads. After passing by bamboo "treasure" chests I noticed some masks sitting close to the floor on a bottom shelf. The masks where all the same size and had the same burlap adornment around the edges, but the prices where different. The first one I picked up looked like a witco piece, with a black face and a weird "handle nose" that started between the eyes and connected at the chin. The price: $25.
A little too much I wanted to spend at the moment, so I looked at the others. The one I found and bought (photo below) was only $15.
The only thing I would improve on it is the hanger. It's just a piece of string. I would replace it and use a leather cord in it's place. I personally love the color of the mask I bought and I plan on going to a local hobby lobby to see if they may have others with different designs or possibly the "witco" inspired one.
Has anyone else found any good wall or room decor anywhere offline (at a well known chain) at a reasonable price? Just interested in knowing.

Here's the mask I bought: