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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Caliente 5 Room Crawl 2013

Post #675050 by Sunshine Tiki on Sun, Apr 21, 2013 2:11 PM

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It's crunch time for planning room crawls and room parties. Polish up those cocktail recipes, try them on as many friends as you can. Most of the time slots are filled for room hosts, but always more room for crawlers. Please check out the first page of this thread for all the details on hosting and crawling at Tiki Caliente 5.

Zen Tiki Lounge is featuring two drinks. "Jeannie's Wish" was so popular at Mojave Oasis we are bringing her to TC5 along with another NEW cocktail. Join ZTL at our room party on Saturday night at 11pm "Inside Jeannie's Bottle."

As of this post there are just 12 days left to get one of our ZTL mugs made by PopTiki of Colorado. This awesome 24oz orange moai named Big Orange Richard is $45 if you pick up at Tiki Caliente and just a few bucks more if you would like him delivered to your home. Send an email to: [email protected] quickly to let us know you want a mug before the kiln cools down. We will send you a paypal request and hook you up.