Joined: Sep 29, 2003
Posts: 1098
UPDATE 1/30/04
This post is to update you about `Ona Tiki, and will be used to update you with information in the future.
Thank you to the Tiki Central members who have inquired about our company. We regret that it has taken this long to update you and to release our mugs. To make a long story short, Evil Mastermind and I lost our space and for now can no longer produce ceramics. This means that we were halted midway into our production and were unable to produce many peices. Some of the designs never came to fruition. It is unclear when and if we will get another space. we have been unable to release what we managed to fire because of the slow beauracratic process of starting a business. This is also why we have pushed our launch party at Tiki Ti back, but the hope is that this will happen in the next couple of months.
The past few months have been difficult for us; it is one thing that we can not sell what we have made, its another thing that we can not continue making ceramics. The designs are backing up with no way to give them form; frustrating.
For any newer members interested in veiwing prototypes of our mugs, you can do a TC search on Ona Tiki or visit our website by clicking the homepage button at the bottom of this post. We hope to put out our wares soon, and will update on Tiki Central and the Ona Tiki website as we have information.
Thank you,
p.s. Mike and Mike Jr. have a custom Zombie, from our test fire, behind the bar. Check it out if you are interested in seeing one up close. Mike jr. wanted a black Coltrane; but that one went on his mantel at home instead of behind the bar.
[ Edited by: tikitanked on 2004-03-13 10:12 ]