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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / cheap rum recipies

Post #736606 by PalmtreePat on Tue, Feb 3, 2015 6:39 PM

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On 2015-02-03 15:31, robtikiti wrote:
Came here to post this article and saw this thread. This is the ideal place to add this from TheKitchn.com:

Make Your Cheap Rum Taste Heavenly with Just 3 Ingredients

*I bought this $6 bottle of Trader Joe's rum for a recipe I was working on a few months back, and after using the few tablespoons I needed, it has sat at the back of my liquor cabinet collecting dust ever since. Because let's face it: a $6 bottle of rum tastes pretty much like a $6 bottle of rum, and that's nothing I'm excited to have in my cocktail at the end of the day.

In a recent sweep of the dark corners of my kitchen, I unearthed this bottle and thought to myself, Self, I bet you could do something with this rum to make it taste amazing. And that's when inspiration struck...*


Sounds like a good way to salvage those bottles of bacardi well-meaning friends keep sending my way.