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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / rvictor's tiki lab

Post #738760 by RVICTOR on Thu, Mar 5, 2015 8:56 AM

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OOps...pushed send. A couple more drawings to post...

This one was from a local Seattle music promotional Ad rag...I thought the picture was "uber-cute" and I never really drew a seahorse before...
I got the picture out of the "Stranger" I think. They were featuring something about the heinous sex lives of animals. The article was supposed to be geared towards post-pubescent, hormone fueled club monkeys...but they hooked me with a picture that was more geared towards a 5-year old. Go figure.

Next up...a few drawings where I was studying Ken Ruzic's stuff. He reminds me very much of Picasso for several reasons. He does a great job of creating flow from object to object in his paintings. I also really admire his imagination and loose style. Another artist that I think we can learn allot from.

I'm not sure if it is apparent, but I try to make sure to note other artists work that I am studying in my sketchbooks. Maybe it's unnecessary...but for me it's intended more like a nod or a sign of respect. Respect that they have developed their own style and approach. It takes time and constant practice. They have done the time.