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Post #755025 by danlovestikis on Mon, Nov 23, 2015 9:53 AM

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Well Mike you've got me beat. I feel lucky they took the top of my nose off rather than the tip. I just did a round of Efudex. I think you should try it too.

I put it on my face for two weeks and my arms for one month. It shows that I'm pretty much all pre-cancerous cells. I'm going to see the dermatologist soon and ask if a chemical peel or laser will obliterate all these bad cells.

I never sunbathed and I've not had sunburns since I was a kid. All the burns when young caught up with me. Beware of the sun, the ozone layer is much thinner now.

All the red you see are pre-cancerous cells.

My face completely looked like this. I'm back to looking normal but far from it. Mike you should do this too. Yes it hurts. Cheers, Wendy