Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Recipe Compilation Software / Ideas
Post #757276 by TikiHardBop on Thu, Jan 14, 2016 3:30 PM
Thu, Jan 14, 2016 3:30 PM
Being a software engineer and a member of a craft cocktail company, I ended up writing a program myself that allows you to enter drinks and ingredients using whatever sorting methods you prefer. There are all kinds of sorting options for drinks as well as other neat features that I add when I feel like a need for them. One of the most helpful for my business is the ability to batch drinks using a couple of different criteria, including an allowance for ice! You can then send the ingredients from your batched recipe to a shopping list that compiles like ingredients together and even converts the amounts into whatever the usual purchase size is. You can also print out very rough menus, usually helpful for us bartenders with the user selecting how the drinks will be displayed on the page and which fields they want to see and how big you want to see them. There is a bunch of other cool stuff as well. I'm always looking for beta testers to try it out and let me know what they think as well as any developers that may want to contribute to the development effort. It's still not very pretty, but I find it's really useful for my cocktail business. I have grand plans to port it to the phone and tablet market, but between the cocktail gigs and my regular job, it's hard to find the time. It's written in Java, so it should run on any desktop that has Java. If you are interested, either PM me here or contact me through The Straw Hat Barmen page at |