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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Updates to The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide on The Atomic Grog

Post #765258 by mikehooker on Mon, Jun 20, 2016 12:33 PM

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On 2016-06-19 20:08, Hurricane Hayward wrote:
Interesting story on Don's Mix from Punch, quoting Messrs. Berry, Cate, et al.


Thanks for sharing that article as it touches on something I've been wanting to address here. Since citrus is so finicky with flavors changing within days if not hours of squeezing, I never keep a homemade Don's Mix on hand, nor have I bought the BG Reynold's kind as it's pricey and not readily available near me. If a drink calls for 3/4 of Don's Mix, I just squeeze a half ounce of gf and and pour 1/4 oz of cinnamon syrup into my jigger before mixing with the rest of the ingredients. I don't see how that's any different than pre-making the stuff in short lived batches. So it's annoying sometimes when recipes call for Don's Mix rather than just stating the appropriate amount of grapefruit and cinnamon needed.

On 2016-06-20 08:35, AceExplorer wrote:
I should keep some white juice frozen in the same way that I do with some other out-of-season stuff.

Per your recommendation, I squoze and froze over 20 ounces of white grapefruit juice into 1/2 ounce cubes a few months ago during the short season, which I believe was a brilliant idea. I still have about 8 cubes left but they're showing signs of freezer burn which worries me as I don't know how that will impact the flavor when I go to use them, which most assuredly will be soon. Have you run into this issue on other citrus you've frozen?