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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Disney detectives I need your help!

Post #771832 by EnchantedTikiGoth on Sun, Jan 8, 2017 8:42 AM

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No problem! I'm even more of a fan of Victorian Science Fiction than I am of Tiki, and a fan of Jules Verne in particular (I've even got a blog devoted to Victorian Science Fiction at http://voyagesextraordinaires.blogspot.com). Our Enchanted Tiki Kitchen (no room for a bar yet) has plenty of echoes of 20,000 Leagues, and I'm relying on some friends of mine going to Walt Disney World in a couple weeks to finally bring me home a Nautilus mug from Trader Sam's!

Your question prompted a discussion about the South Pole sequence for 20,000 Leagues that was shot but cut from the film. This is some more that Larry Brooks added: "My brother and I interviewed Leagues matte artist Peter Ellenshaw for nearly three hours - about two decades ago - his memory was incredible, he had total recall. He would describe/talk about everything in great detail, as if he was discussing what happened on the set yesterday. One of the things we were particularly interested in was the missing South Pole Sequence. What happened to it? Peter said the footage just didn't look that good.... they used fake snow to make 'snow flurries', so you would see the Nautilus surfacing surrounded by icebergs... and then it submerged again. As it was submerging, the snow flurries would get so heavy they would almost white out the screen - and then the image dissolved into anther shot. What a shame, we'd all love to have seen that sequence!"