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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Recipe: Homemade 'coconut rum'

Post #779135 by howlinowl on Wed, Aug 23, 2017 1:40 PM

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I'd have to watch it again, it's been a while since I'd made it. I do know it called for two 750 ml bottles of white rum (I had bought a 1.75 ltr bottle as it was only a buck each than the 750 ml ones at the time). Two or three coconuts....probably two, but I think I upped it. Can't remember the simple syrup at the moment. Everything went into a sun tea jar and into my kegerator. After the required time, (have to check the video, but two weeks seems to come to mind), just filtered out the coconut bits and bottled. I only used a fine-mesh strainer, would get few small bits every once in a shot. It was white and would separate, had to shake it before serving. Not sure of the alcohol volume. Rum was 40 proof, but after the addition of the simple syrup, I'm sure it was probably lower.

Starting to think I need to make more of it
