Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars / Lagoon of Mystery
Post #786911 by Prikli Pear on Thu, May 17, 2018 12:59 PM
Prikli Pear
Thu, May 17, 2018 12:59 PM
The Manila rope supposedly does not retain water as do other natural rope options, so is more durable and resistant to rot. I intend to give it a coat of a UV blocker but have not gotten around to it--I just got the posts in and painting done the night before the party, so I was running right up against my deadline. I will say that the Manila rope is coarser and has a darker, richer color than other natural fiber ropes, so aesthetically it does lend itself to tiki better than sisal or jute. ~Jayme Lagoon of Mystery [ Edited by: Prikli Pear 2018-05-17 13:00 ] |