Tiki Central / Locating Tiki / Royal Hawaiian, Laguna Beach, CA (restaurant)
Post #793277 by kkocka on Tue, Feb 19, 2019 11:24 AM
Tue, Feb 19, 2019 11:24 AM
That was a big shocker to me as well, and I probably scoffed aloud when I read it. It honestly can't be that hard to clean if you're using a vacuum with a hose/brush attachment. I'm doing my very best to reserve judgement until the unveiling but whoever is handling social media is making it very difficult. I'm sure we've all read numerous contradicting statements ranging from "the tiki isn't going away" to "the drinks will be better than ever" and "we're going to honor the past." I know for a fact that the drinks vastly improved from their initial reopening due to the trio responsible for making it happen. Because of the distance, I never got to enjoy the actual dining room (bar only) but it was a wonder to look at. If I had to critique anything it would be the bar area which for my tastes was too bright and Island's Fine Burgers-esque. RH makes it seem as if they're going to really dive into the past, and yet there's not much to support it. |