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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Fassionola?

Post #795346 by PalmtreePat on Sun, May 26, 2019 12:52 AM

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On 2019-05-06 20:33, PalmtreePat wrote:

From what I recall, the Sumatra Kula makes use of what I was told was "green passionfruit", which could be green fassionola. When they open up again I'll go order one and try to watch closely while they make it to see what the bottle looks like.

Had a Sumatra Kula tonight and watched them mix it. The drink does have a sort of lime cordial zip to it, as suggested by the marketing copy for the green fassionola, and there is a green syrup involved, but I only saw generic bottles with speed pourers, nothing that looked like a Jonathan English bottle. BUT, I got to talking to Mike Sr. and he told me that there are three "passionfruits" at play in the Tiki Ti: red, green, and gold, which fits the JE Fassionola lineup, so we've got that. I'm going to order up a bottle of the other two and just start experimenting.