Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar In-A-Box
Post #801403 by TheLuckyParrot on Wed, Mar 18, 2020 10:54 AM
Wed, Mar 18, 2020 10:54 AM
Thanks, Wendy! That's funny about the "modern day pyramid". Trust me, I am not burying any treasure deep inside and creating booby traps to foil project robbers. With the covid-19 "work from home" edict in place with my company and with our customers, I am guessing that I am about a month away from completion now on this project. I absolutely DO have a list of follow-on projects that I aim to work on and share here. The very next one actually depends on this Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar In-A-Box. This project will need remote control so that I can fire off actions from behind my bar just like they do in the real establishment. I am choosing WiFi to do this since it will help me be very discreet (again, just like the real establishment). I don't know how to do WiFi even as I type this, so it will be learn-on-the-job. But once I have that figured out, I can then take that knowledge and ENTIRELY RE-DO an existing project that is sitting on my workbench right now, covered so that it doesn't gather any more dust than necessary. That next one is at least as fun as this one, and if I do it right I will have documented the path for readers to duplicate the result for their own home entertainment. Beyond that, oh yeah, I have a list that just keeps growing! But then, retirement is just around the corner so I will certainly have the time and energy...