Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Drink challenge.
Post #805352 by tikiskip on Mon, Sep 5, 2022 7:51 AM
Mon, Sep 5, 2022 7:51 AM
Was thinking about a drink challenge TC could have, it would be kinda like Mad dog Mikes art swap on TC getting TCers to interact. In this challenge an ingredient would be named and then TCers would come up with a drink recipe using that ingredient in said recipe. Then post recipes and even judge them after a set date. What got me thinking of this was a dessert topping made by Dr pepper, this got me thinking of a dishwasher I once had who told me of the coke milkshakes they used to make in the 50s, they would use the syrup in the milkshakes and not coke so it was a stronger coke flavor, we made one as I had the syrup form the coke machine. It was good. Thought this might make a unique tiki drink. I say Hamo would be the best person to run this. Dessert topping made by Dr pepper Seen here.... https://www.amazon.com/Pepper-Cherry-Dessert-Topper-12-Ounce/dp/B0051NJC4G [ Edited by tikiskip on 2022-09-05 07:57:46 ] |