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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Art Swap 2024 Witco!

Post #813197 by MadDogMike on Sun, Jun 30, 2024 9:30 AM

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Out of the kiln without incident! I have a few finish options that I've come up with. What do you think?

#1 Unglazed on the outside. I like the look of old, aged wood. Then just glaze the inside to make it food safe.
Fountain No Glaze

#2 Glazed on the outside. This is wet with water, actual glaze would be glossier.
Fountain Glaze

#3 Glazed only in the bowls to look like they are wet. Again, real glaze will be more glossy.
Fountain Bowl Glaze

#4 Bowls glazed blue to represent water
Fountain Blue Bowl Glaze