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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Art Swap 2024 Witco - Drawing Done!

Post #813256 by TikiAno on Fri, Jul 5, 2024 5:23 PM

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Alohaaaaa. Okay I'm late- after Mad Dog and Wendy reaching out but would love to join in.

Years ago I had found an almost instructional brochure re: Witco chainsaw carving and thought I had saved it on a computer. It was probably three or four computers ago and looks like i'm up a certain creek without a paddle. Anthony, I love the bat sculpt, Mad Dog & Wendy, fantastic work as always!

I'm torn a few different ways but work is slow this week so I may do some test work to see which direction I will go. Unfortunately no more kiln access- or time- to work in clay.

It might be time to get a chainsaw to approach this correctly- or it might just help me learn how to juggle. (Original Calvin & Hobbes cartoon below to "get" this reference).IMG_9407

Look forward to seeing all of the other entries (and mine as well)!

[ Edited by TikiAno on 2024-07-05 17:25:05 ]