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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Art Swap 2024 Witco - Drawing Done!

Post #813512 by TikiAno on Mon, Jul 29, 2024 3:25 PM

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I've been running around like a couple chickens with their heads cut off (plus or minus a couple of toes) and forgot to post!! I received Hang 10's amazing work VERY quickly- well packed of course with a motherload of swizzles, thank you Jon!!! (My daughter ran off with a few, I think she's making some cocktails in her tea set).

It's great to have swapped with others before, I'm enjoying my Hang10 collection (not all pictured)....



(after posting this just realized that Hang10's latest piece is laying down- I had walked into the tiki sunroom to take a photo of the Goof sculpt to send to Jon and didn't realize it was in the photo- see: earlier comment re: running around without a head or two).

What a great swap, let me know if anyone will be at Oasis, I live nearby and have a big job at the SD Zoo to work on Saturday AM but will be hopping back and forth throughout the weekend...

ALSO... if anyone wants the Witco pdf, pls message me your email and I can send it on over- happy to share as I think it's a pretty incredible resource and a very cool lil piece of history....