Tiki Central / California Events / Announcing the First Annual Zombie Taste-Off at Tiki Oasis IV!
Post #87529 by Doctor Z on Wed, Apr 21, 2004 8:29 PM
Doctor Z
Wed, Apr 21, 2004 8:29 PM
The Good Doctor is definitely going to enter the fray! Thanks to a tip from Alnshely, "Team Z" will be mixin' the Zombie from Hawai'i, Tropical Rum Drinks and Cuisine by Don the Beachcomber. Unless, of course, Al (or TikiHula) is going to enter that one, in which case I'll simply pick another... Martiki - what size 'sample' drinks are we talking about here, btw? The recipe above calls for a 14 oz glass, and I'd rather not mix up 10 drinks of that size (too 'spensive!). Think I can get by on 3 or 4? And as far as who will be judging/sampling: I second CheekyGirl's idea about having a lottery. Have anyone interested write their name on a slip of paper (or better yet, a dollar bill) and drop it into a hat or whatever, and at some point before the 'event', we'll simply have a drawing and select the judges. |