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Tiki Central / California Events / Announcing the First Annual Zombie Taste-Off at Tiki Oasis IV!

Post #87878 by OnaTiki on Fri, Apr 23, 2004 5:22 PM

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Another "social" group we belong to had a best drink contest at a fundraiser. They charged $2 to anyone who wanted to be a "judge". The judge was given a token (or raffle ticket) to be placed in the ballot box of the drink they liked best. At the end, the tokens were counted and the participant with the most tokens won.
It may be easier to count tokens than to do math to come up with an average.
Just my two coconuts worth.

I even have lots of raffle tickets I'd be willing to donate.

[ Edited by: OnaTiki on 2004-04-23 17:22 ]