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Tiki Central / California Events / TIKI OASIS IV - How was the Event? How was the Resort? How was The REEF?

Post #90431 by vintagegirl on Mon, May 10, 2004 9:50 AM

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On 2004-05-10 09:36, tikibob wrote:
There was an awkward moment when one chick brought in a "dance mix" CD. One TC’er took her CD and ran across the parking lot with it! She later returned and got all fussy with me and demanded I give her the name of the culprit (but your identity is safe, so don't worry).

Tikibob, that "chick" was Kari French. (You know.... the burlesque performer who couldn't show up on stage for her own performance.) I was witness to the CD conviscation myself, but will let the "culprit" reveal him/herself only if they wish to. Personally, I feel that entering someone else's room and trying to take over and change their party music was rather rude. It just wasn't very good manners for a party guest. Besides the "culprit" was just doing the bidding of those around them encouraging the protection of the current Tiki music being played.

Once the threat of the "dance party mix" was over, we all relaxed into a great party hosted by our quintessential and gracious hosts Al & Shelly.