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Tiki Central / California Events / TIKI OASIS IV - How was the Event? How was the Resort? How was The REEF?

Post #90507 by GiantRobotTiki on Mon, May 10, 2004 5:41 PM

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What a cool weekend!! Tiki Oasis is all that and then some. I was sad I missed CheekyGirls "Drink off". I got stuck in that pile up on the 10E.

Next year we'll have to organize a team effort in a super soaker batttle, maybe kinda like dodge ball?? Or how about a water pistol sharp shooter event?? Bax took the award for the biggest and baddest water connons.

We had forewarning of that girl visiting room 135. Al asked to close the door at one point because things were starting to get roudy, so I appointed myself "door man." For fun I was asking people for the "password" when she came along. After I "skewered" her for a while I finally gave up and told her the password. "Can I come in and take a shower in your room??". Her face came to attention like somebody "filled me in" on who she was. Like you mig, I laughed......... I don't think she thought it was funny either (hee-hee).

Somebody needs to start a thread of pictures because all I saw all weekend was a sea of digital cameras and flashing going on.

Somebody should keep track next Oasis on how many gallons of Rum we consume in a weekend. Maybe a Giness book record!!?? Man!! My kidneys hurt!!